SOA Feeding Initiative: Behind the Scenes
A little vid showing the process of compiling and providing these amazing food parcels in colaboration with the Fish Inniative.
The team packs as many food parcels as we can with the donations we have and distribute to as many vunerable families as well as our own kids. We make sure the parcels have enough essentials to sustain a family of four for a week.
This would not be possible without your generous donations and the amazing team behind this project with special mention to Nazley Sadan and Danielle Klaff who initially teamed up together to create this initiative. The donations have made so many people smile and we couldn't be more stoked.
We do not want our efforts to end as there are so many people in the Hout Bay community in need and so much love to share. If you are able to help in any way, be it a repost or a donation, please do.
Every contribution goes towards providing basic needs such as food and hygiene essentials which is put into two food parcels to last families a week. We always try to take note of the families and provide to their specific needs i.e nappies etc.
Video and edit: @luckynelson